All aboard the Crazee Train
A good friend of mine shared recently shared her blog with me and I was inspired to see that she had added her own thoughts and feelings, along with updates about her incredible boys. I've been inspired. As a relatively new mom, I've been feeling that my identity is slowly chipping away and many people don't see me as the person I am, but only as the forefront role I take ~ which is being a mom. Another thought that I have had which has doubly inspired me, is that I have long felt that I didn't have a voice. I don't always have someone or somewhere to share my opinion and the frightening thing is that many times I don't feel I even have an opinion.
So all that being said, the Crazee Train is now MY place to share my thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions and whatever the else my spirit moves me to write. Grab onto the holy shit handle, as this is going to be a great ride!!